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Oral Health - Early Childhood Oral Health Starter Kit

Keeping your baby healthy from day one!

We are excited to help start your journey towards a lifetime of smiles for your children and family!


Help your child have healthy teeth and gums with these tips and tools.

Start Early

Before your child's baby teeth come in, keep their mouth and gums clean. Remove any food debris from upper and lower gums.

in this brochure can guide you in caring for your child's teeth.

Baby Teeth Are Important

Baby teeth help your child eat, talk, smile, and develop properly. Teeth start to arrive at about 6 months of age and continue to develop during the first few years of life. A child has a total of 20 baby teeth. These baby teeth save the space for the permanent teeth that start arriving around 6 years of age. The front baby teeth loosen first, followed by the back teeth around 10 to 12 years of age.

First Dental Visit

Children should visit their dentist soon after their first tooth appears or by 1 year of age. It's important to establish a relationship with a dentist early on to ensure proper oral health care.

Change Toothbrushes

Change toothbrushes 3-4 times a year and never share them with another person. Use a baby grip toothbrush when your baby can first hold things, and switch to a toddler toothbrush when your child can start brushing on their own. Use a child toothbrush when your child has better brushing skills and more space in their mouth around 5 years of age.


Toothpaste should contain fluoride as recommended by the American Dental Association. Use a rice-size amount of toothpaste for the infant finger toothbrush and baby grip toothbrush, and a pea-size amount of toothpaste for the toddler toothbrush and child toothbrush.

Tooth Timer

Use a tooth timer or sing the happy birthday song once to ensure your child is brushing for two minutes, twice a day, every day. You can make mouth cleaning fun!


  • Tooth cleaning products should be utilized only under adult supervision, and suggested ages may vary!
  • Never share your toothbrush.
  • Replace a toothbrush 3-4 times a year.
  • Never put your child to bed at night or during a nap with a bottle of milk or juice!


Newborn Oral Finger Swab

(0 - 6 months of age)

Fit over an adult finger. Moisten with water and rub over the upper and lower gums to eliminate food particles. Do this a few times a day and keep swab clean.

Infant Finger Toothbrush

(6 months - 2 years of age)

A rice-sized amount of toothpaste or water can be used to eliminate dental plaque as the teeth begin to erupt. The device fits on an adult finger.


Baby Grip Toothbrush 

(2 - 3 years of age) 

Use it when your infant first learns to hold objects. It has gentle bristles and a big grip handle. Use toothpaste in a rice-sized amount.

Toddler Toothbrush 

(3 - 4 years of age) 

It can be used by young children who havel earned how to brush themselves. Use along with a pea-sized quantity of toothpaste. 


Child Toothbrush 

(5 - 6 years of age) 

It is for bigger kids with more mouth room and improved brushing techniques. Use with a pea-size amount of toothpaste.

Tooth Timer 

Brush and time; brushing twice daily for a total of two minutes.