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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

EMS Testing & Education

IDPH provides approval of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Trauma Nurse Specialist (TNS) education throughout Illinois. EMS Education is conducted by or in cooperation with approved EMS systems throughout the state. This education includes initial courses, refresher courses, and ongoing continuing medical education. EMS Courses and continuing education programs are conducted at colleges, hospitals, and a variety of local community locations. Education is also offered through online resources.

Candidates who successfully pass initial licensure courses are qualified to take licensure exams through their EMS System that sponsored the course. Qualifying candidates may elect to take either the Illinois State Licensing Exam or the National Registry Exam. Paramedic exam candidates who wish to test with the National Registry of EMT’s must qualify by graduating from a Co-AEMSP accredited Paramedic program.

Trauma Nurse Specialist courses are taught at Illinois Trauma Centers approved by the Department to conduct Trauma Nurse Specialist Course. Candidates who qualify for Trauma Nurse Specialist examinations are approved to take the exam by the Trauma Nurse Course Coordinator responsible for the course.

This site provides access to exam study guides, testing applications, and links to external websites.



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