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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Illinois NEMSIS Specifications

Illinois Department of Public Health Division of EMS and Highway Safety Prehospital Data Program

The following files contain information needed by software vendors to produce a NEMSIS v3-compliant electronic data export to the state of Illinois:

  • A list of the elements being collected by the State
  • Specific Destination, Agency, and EMS System codes
  • Data consistency rules that will be enforced
  • The Illinois Schematron file

Table of Contents

Using the Online XML Validator

To use the online XML validator (no password required):

Using the Compliance Website to Validate or Submit Datasets

To log onto the Compliance Website to validate and/or submit datasets for compliance testing, use the username and password provided to you when you initiated the compliance testing process, and:

Using the Data Upload Website to Validate or Submit Datasets to IDPH

To log onto the Data Upload Website to validate and/or submit NEMSIS datasets to the State of Illinois, use the username and password provided to you when you completed the compliance testing process, and:

​Data Validation Overview

NEMSIS Elements Collected by State of Illinois

Destination Codes

EMS System Numbers

EMS Agency Numbers

Suggested List of Codes

  • "Suggested Lists" of codes for certain elements (link to the NEMSIS Version 3 Resource web page)
    • A number of data elements in the Illinois prehospital dataset rely on existing national and international standards as sources for element values
    • A shortcoming of this approach is that these standards may contain thousands of values that are not applicable to the prehospital setting
    • To facilitate the use of these codes, NEMSIS has prepared "suggested lists" of values consisting of subsets of the complete code sets for use in these elements
    • Illinois has adopted these NEMSIS suggested lists without modification, with the exception of the Cause of Injury list, which should also include T40.0, T40.1, T40.2, T40.3, T40.4, T40.6

Rules for Data Consistency

Illinois Schematron Files
