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Community Ambassadors

Formerly Illinois COVID-19 Ambassadors

The IDPH Community Ambassadors Program started as the IL COVID-19 Ambassadors Program which empowers Illinoisans across the state to play a vital role in supporting state efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. They did so by promoting and sharing information among their friends, family, peers and neighbors on prevention measures, testing resources, COVID-19 vaccine and other relevant information. The program has recently expanded to include community health initiatives including MPV, women’s health issues, violence as a public health issue, and other local health concerns. The program is working with local health departments across the state to connect Ambassadors to their departments, creating a local support network for the departments, and keeping Ambassadors up to date with developments in their area and ways to engage.

Goals of Community Ambassadors Program

  • Engage with and empower everyday Illinoisans across the state, in an ongoing and intentional way, to assist in public health outreach and prevention efforts
  • Enable Illinoisans across the state to become contributors, problem solvers and partners addressing emerging public health issues

Benefits of Being a Community Ambassador

  • The opportunity to not only voice your concerns and fears but also participate in solutions
  • Connect with your local health department and engage at the local level
  • Enhance your communication and leadership skills
  • Contributing to effective and innovative solutions to address public health issues across the state
  • Contributing to a culture of health and prevention among your friends, family, peers and community


  • Proactively promoting public health messaging and related community resources
  • Raise awareness of public health trends and needs at the local level
  • Provide input on the development of messaging and outreach materials
  • Organize and implement outreach activities (virtual, in-person) like Facebook Live events
  • Share your success with us!

Time Commitment

Ambassadors are invited to attend monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of every month (may change due to holidays) from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST.

Have questions or need more information, please contact