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Data Sources/Quality Improvement
To become a program considered evidence-based, there must be continuous quality improvement. Below is a list of metrics and data projects that analyze various prevention and treatment programs for cardiovascular disease.
Million Hearts®- Clinical Quality Measures Dashboard
The Million Hearts® Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) Dashboard is designed to display cardiovascular disease-related measures from quality reporting initiatives focused on the Million Hearts® ABCS (Aspirin when appropriate, Blood pressure control, Cholesterol management, and Smoking cessation). The CQM Dashboard provides a geographical view by quality reporting system and year, and progress on the ABCS.
Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults, JNC7
The panel members appointed to the Joint National Committee (JNC) used rigorous evidence-based methods, developing Evidence Statements and recommendations for blood pressure treatment based on a systematic review of the literature to meet user needs, especially the needs of the primary care clinician. These reports are an executive summary of the evidence and is designed to provide clear recommendations for all clinicians.
County Health Rankings Roadmaps
The annual County Health Rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in America. The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities.
Meaningful Use clinical quality measures (CQMs)
Clinical quality measures, or CQMs, are tools that help measure and track the quality of health care services provided by eligible professionals, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) within our health care system. These measures use data associated with providers’ ability to deliver high-quality care or relate to long term goals for quality health care
The purpose of this Web site is to make information about the quality of health in Illinois communities available to the public, and highlight socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities that may exist. It also examines the issue of access to health care. The Illinois Department of Public Health promotes the use of open data as a platform for ideas, advocacy, planning and policy.
National Network of Public Health Institute’s Quality Improvement
Archived trainings, sample QI products, templates, and related resources. The PHPI toolkit products have been developed by public health peers through their own efforts to implement performance improvement activities and prepare for national voluntary accreditation. The toolkit is continuously updated with new additions from the work of NNPHI programs, members, and national partner organizations.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Model for Improvement
Learn about the fundamentals of the Model for Improvement and testing changes on a small scale using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles.
Consumers have a right to access information about the quality of health care provided in Illinois. This Web site can help you to become a more informed consumer and to make better health care choices. You can access information on quality and safety data, nurse staffing, patient satisfaction and costs of services in hospitals and surgery centers.
Use Hospital Compare to find hospitals and compare the quality of their care. Hospital Compare is part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Quality Initiative. The Hospital Quality Initiative uses a variety of tools to help stimulate and support improvements in the quality of care delivered by hospitals.
What is population health? What is clinical/public health integration?
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement started the idea that the future success of health and healthcare organizations is lowering costs, improving quality of care and health of populations. This is also the focus of the Healthy Heart project. The link above explains what the Institute for Healthcare Improvement means when using the term “population health.”