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Structural Pest Control Frequently Asked Questions
How do I obtain a license to do structural pest control in Illinois?
Get a technician certificate by applying for General and/or Restricted Use exams. However, this is not a criteria for registering a pest control business as you are allowed to hire a technician with a certificate.
After passing the exams or having a technician with a certificate, print and complete the Commercial Structural Pest Control Business License Application and mail to the address on the form with all required documents and fee.
Suggested Study Materials
I live outside Illinois and have a pest control license from my state. How can I obtain a license to do pest control in Illinois?
How do I know my business license has expired?
Business licenses expire December 31 of every year. In accordance with Section 830.200, a renewal notice is mailed to licensed businesses (to the provided mailing address in the system) at least 30 days prior to December 1.
How do I obtain the required nine credit hours for my certificate renewal?
IDPH publishes preapproved in-person and online recertification trainings.
I can’t renew online. What should I do?
Ensure you have met all the requirement for renewal (e.g., nine credit hours for certificate renewal) and ensure you are renewing using the correct link. Make sure you are selecting the correct renewal site (e.g., business renewal site to renew a business).
I mailed a completed structural pest control exam application to your office. How will I know if I am accepted to take the exam?
Exam applications are processed on first in first out basis. Confirmation letters are mailed to qualified candidates before the exam date. No one arriving at the exam location without a confirmation letter will be allowed to take the exam.
We have a pest infestation problem in our home. How do we get help?
You can search for IDPH-licensed pest control businesses nearest you. For information on pests that your home may be infested with, view our Entomology/Pest Management Fact Sheets.
I have bed bugs in my apartment my landlord is not helping. What can I do?
The IDPH Structural Pest Control Program does not have authority to hold a landlord accountable. Contact your local health department, city hall, or building code division to find out who is in charge of enforcement.
I found bed bugs in my hotel room. Can you investigate?
The IDPH Structural Pest Control Program does not have authority to inspect hotels for pest infestation. Contact your local health department, city hall, or building code division to find out who is in charge of enforcement.
I found a bug on my person/house/clothing. Can you identify it for me?
Yes, IDPH can identify insects. Send IDPH Structural Pest Control Program the insect specimen with the Arthropod Specimen Form.
Itching and Infestation. What’s attacking me?
A pest control business applied pesticide in my apartment and now I am seriously ill. What can I do?
See a physician for your illness. Provide IDPH more information of the pest control company by completing the Complaint Form and the IDPH Structural Pest Control Program will investigate. IDPH’s investigation is for pesticide misuse only.