Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
IDOA Licensed Cannabis Facilities
Cannabis facilities are licensed and regulated by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA). Pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act and the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, a pre-operational inspection by IDPH is required before an IDOA licensed facility can produce cannabis-infused products for sale in dispensaries. For a facility to request an IDPH pre-operational inspection, facilities should complete the Cannabis Infused Products Registration Application linked below and include the additional documents requested in the application. Allow 4-6 weeks to schedule and complete an inspection. After an application is received and reviewed, an IDPH inspector will contact the facility to schedule an inspection. The completed application can be emailed to DPH.MfgFood@illinois.gov.
Certified Food Protection Manager Training
IDOA licensed cannabis facilities that produce infused or processed edible products must have at least one person who has completed an ANSI accredited Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) training course and passed the exam. Accredited courses may be available online, by local providers, or through some local health departments. Certificates are valid for five years after successful completion of the course and exam. That person must be on site and directly supervising any operations where edible products are made. No operations shall be allowed without supervision from a CFPM.
ANSI-CFP Accredited Food Protection Manager Certification Exams
Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act
Illinois Department of Agriculture Cannabis website
Section 1300.175 Operations – Infused or Processed Products
Section 1000.405 Production Areas – Infused or Processed Products