Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Plan Application Evaluation
The state’s CMP Evaluation Committee will be consistent with GATA guidelines and established simultaneously with the posting of the NOFOs. The IDPH Office of Health Care Regulation (OHCR) CMP Evaluation Committee will review application submissions. When an application meets the IDPH's CMP Grant Program Rules and NOFO requirements, the highest scoring grantee applications will be selected by the OHCR CMP Evaluation Committee and be submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services within 10 calendar days for approval. Applications are reviewed and approved or denied within the time frame noted on the NOFO.
Evaluation Criteria
All applications will be scored using the weighted evaluation criteria below and the application’s attainment of the Health Equity based review components.
Identification of stakeholders, data, facts, and evidence that demonstrate how the proposed project will protect or improve the quality of care or quality of life for residents.
- Include which disparately impacted communities of residents and inequities are most affected by the project
The ability of a grant applicant to execute the proposed project according to program requirements.
- Include the accountability and reporting capabilities of the applicant to ensure the training project yields best results
- Include tools and methodology the applicant will use to increase accessibility to the training project
The totality of features and characteristics of the proposed project that indicates its ability to protect or improve the quality of care or quality of life for residents.
- Include strategies and plans to incorporate and support workforce equity in the compilation, development, and execution of the project
The continuation of benefits from the project after it is completed. The probability of continued long-term benefits and the resilience to risk of the net benefit over time.
- Include plans, methods, and metrics to be utilized to ensure health equity goals are met
Duplication of Effort
The extent to which the objectives of the project do not duplicate existing requirements or other federal or state services; and where duplication of said project is outweighed by creating future improvement to the quality of care and/or quality of life for resident.
Cost Effectiveness
Productiveness relative to cost and ability to utilize and to optimize resources; and measure the results of strategies, objectives, and outcomes where benefits are non-financial.
Likelihood the project can be accomplished by the applicant within the proposed time and budget given their experience, expertise, and available resources.
- Include projected timeline for major deliverables and milestones of the project
- Include strategy, methodology, and capabilities to be employed in order to ensure the greatest impact and reach of the training project
Applicant shall list objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic.
- Include effective and clearly defined learning objectives which outline deliverables
Health-Equity Based Review
A significant portion of the application review will be based on how the application abides with the following areas:
- Addressing all components of the IDPH Health Equity Checklist
- Reference the Health Equity Definition
- Incorporation of key definitions from the IDPH Health Equity Checklist
- Reference to culturally and linguistically appropriate services
- Focus on the Social Determinants of Health
Cost share requirements will not be considered as evaluation criteria. Evaluation shall be based on a numerical rating scale of 0-100.
Grant application submission requirements should include a budget narrative, itemized budget, performance monitoring and evaluation for intended outcomes, facility, and community involvement.