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Salmonella Overview and Prevention

What is salmonellosis and what are the symptoms?

Salmonellosis is an infectious disease caused by a group of bacteria called Salmonella. Most people infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea (sometimes bloody), fever, and stomach cramping. Symptoms typically start within 6 to 72 hours after being exposed, but it can take longer. Sometimes people infected with Salmonella have no symptoms, but they can still pass the bacteria to others.

How long does it last?

Most people infected with Salmonella typically feel better in 4 to 7 days. Those with mild symptoms usually recover with fluids and rest. Some people with severe symptoms may need to be hospitalized.

How does it spread?

Salmonella bacteria live in the intestines of people and many animals. Usually, people become infected with Salmonella when they eat contaminated foods. Transmission occurs in the following ways:


Eating foods that are contaminated with feces from an infected animal, from environmental contamination, from cross-contamination in a kitchen, or eating foods that were prepared by someone who is sick with Salmonella.

Animal Contact

Touching or handling animals or their environments, particularly live poultry (such as chicks or ducklings) and reptiles (such as snakes, turtles, or lizards).

Person-to-Person Contact

Some infections occur when the bacteria passes from the stool or soiled fingers of one person to the mouth of another person either through food handling or direct contact.

How can I prevent Salmonella infections?

Wash your hands with soap and water before and after preparing or eating foods, having contact with animals or their environment, and after using the bathroom or changing a diaper.

Practice food safety: Avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen, wash and cook foods thoroughly, store foods properly, and avoid unpasteurized or raw dairy products.

If you have diarrhea, do not handle, prepare, or cook foods for others at home or at your job until your symptoms have resolved.

Cases shall not work as food handlers or in sensitive occupations until diarrhea has ceased for at least 24 hours and two consecutive negative stool specimens are obtained.

If you own poultry or reptiles, do not kiss or hold them close to your face and do not let them roam free in your home or in places where you store, prepare, or eat foods.