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IDPH Guidelines for Bake Sales

“Bake Sale” Means:

A person who produces or packages a baked good that is not time/temperature controlled for food safety for sale by a religious, charitable, or nonprofit organization for fundraising purposes is exempt from the requirements of a retail food permit, license, or cottage food registration.

Guidelines for Bake Sales and Fundraisers

  • Baked goods, such as breads, cookies, and cakes areallowed to be sold.
    • ONLY high fructose pies including apple, apricot, grape, peach, plum, quince, orange, nectarine, tangerine, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, boysenberry, cherry, cranberry, strawberry, red currants, or a combination of these fruits.
    • Pumpkin, sweet potato, custard, and cream fillings are NOT allowed.
  • Items should be individually wrapped.
    • Labeling is recommended with common name, ingredients, and major food allergens.

For more information, contact your local health department or the IDPH Food Program at