Medical Cannabis Patient Program Qualifying Caregiver Application Instructions
Medical Cannabis Toll-Free Line: 855-636-3688
Medical Cannabis Main Line: 217-524-4210
Starting MCPP Caregiver Application
- To add a caregiver, go to the MCPP Patient Caregiver tab and select + New to begin the caregiver application. For all MCPP applications fees, refer to the table on page six of this document.
Note: These instructions are only for adding a caregiver for a patient who has an active card. The patient can only a maximum of three caregivers. If applying on behalf of a minor patient, refer to the Qualifying Minor Patient Application instructions or the Qualifying Terminal Minor Patient Application instructions.

- In the Caregiver Information section, complete the required fields marked with an asterisk and upload any required documents. If you answer Yes you want to waive the caregiver photo, click on the Photo Affidavit link to download the form, complete the form with the caregiver information, and upload the form into the application. If you answer No, you will need to upload a photo of the caregiver (must be in JPEG format).
Note: The photo must not be a picture of the caregiver(s) driver’s license, state ID card, or government issued passport.

- For the Caregiver Proof of Identity, click on the dropdown box and select the Identification Type (state driver’s license, state ID card, passport, or other). You will be required to upload a document for proof of identification. Based on your selection, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency or/and answer the proof of residency question: “Does the address on your driver’s license/state ID match the address listed on the application?”
- If you select state driver’s license for the Identification Type, select the state of issuance from the dropdown list. If you select IL, enter the driver’s license number and answer the proof of residency question: “Does the address on your driver’s license/state ID match the address listed on the application?” If you answer No to this question, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency. If you select other state driver’s license, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency.
- If you select state ID card for the Identification Type, you will be required to answer the proof of residency question: “Does the address on your driver’s license/state ID match the address listed on the application?” If you answer No to this question, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency.
- If you select passport for the Identification Type, you will not be required to answer the proof of residency question: “Does the address on your driver’s license/state ID match the address listed on the application?” However, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency.
- If you select other for the Identification Type, you will not be required to answer the proof of residency question: “Does the address on your driver’s license/state ID match the address listed on the application?” However, you will be required to upload a document for proof of residency.
Note: Approval of alternative forms of identification is up to the Illinois Department of Public Health’s discretion.

- For the caregiver attestation, click on Click Here to download the Caregiver Attestation form. Once the form has been completed, upload the completed document and then click the “Save” button.
Note: Before you click Save, verify the information is correct, and all required documents have been uploaded.

- Once you click on Save, the system will redirect you to make a payment for the caregiver card. For caregiver fees, see the table below. After making payment, you will be redirected to the MCPP Patient Registration tab. You will receive payment notification by email.