How do I dispose of dead birds on my property (less than 5)?
Given the concern regarding influenza in wild birds (especially waterfowl, aquatic birds, and birds of prey), the following are tips to reduce the risk of avian influenza spreading to people who may need to pick up dead birds on their property. While it is unlikely that handling dead birds would lead to human infection, it is best to be cautious. If you should develop flu-like symptoms within ten days of disposing of a group of dead birds, contact your local health department. CDC recommends specific PPE when around dead birds. In the case of not having that PPE, the following guidance can be used.
What supplies are needed?
- Disposable waterproof gloves
- Plastic bags
- Safety goggles (if splashing may occur during removal of the bird from the environment)
- N95 mask (if splashing may occur during removal of the bird from the environment)
- Secure trash can
- Don’t use bare hands to pick up a dead bird or animal.
- Use disposable waterproof gloves and/or an inverted plastic bag to pick up the dead bird(s). Double the plastic bag with the bird(s) inside and dispose in the trash where it cannot be accessed by children or animals.
- Consider wearing a raincoat or disposable plastic trash bag over your clothes.
- If the bird is in a wet environment or where splashing may occur during removal, safety goggles or glasses and an N95 mask (available in retail stores) can be used to protect your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- After handling a bird, avoid touching your face with gloved or unwashed hands.
- After the bird(s) are disposed of, take gloves off first and put into a plastic bag for disposal.
- Wash hands with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer.
- Remove mask and goggles. It is important to NOT touch your face with contaminated hands or gloves. Remove your mask after removing gloves.
- Throw away any disposable equipment after use (mask, gloves) and disinfect other equipment (like safety goggles) according to manufacturer’s specifications.
- Wash clothes in a washing machine with detergent and use the hot water cycle. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after handling the clothes.
- Disinfect your shoes using one of the following methods: Prepare a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water and submerge shoes in the solution for 10 minutes. The mixed solution is good for 7 days -or- Spray your shoes with a benzalkonium chloride-based commercial disinfectant (such as Lysol spray or similar product) and allow them to dry.
- Contact your local health department for an exposure assessment and symptom monitoring.