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Behavioral Health / Developmentally Disabled / Mental Health Facilities

The following steps outline how Behavioral Health, Developmentally Disabled, and Mental Health Facility employees would sign-up and register for access to SIREN/HAN.

SIREN (State of Illinois Rapid Electronic Notification), has a self-registration process at to receive important notifications from The Illinois Department of Public Health.

Steps to complete registration:

  1. When selecting your organizations, filter using HCC – CMS 17 Provider Types, then click on the gray Select Organization button. 
  2. Expand DPH - Behavioral Health / Developmentally Disabled / Mental Health Facilities.
  3. Click the checkbox next to your associated region.  Only select the specific region organization otherwise you will be rejected out of all others.
  4. Please use your firstname.lastname as your username.
    • Ex) john.smith 
  5. The password must adhere to the password requirements.
  6. Ensure that you add your work email, work phone, and an alternate phone (mobile phone or home phone) where SIREN can reach you in the event of an emergency.
    • If you wish to receive Text Messages, please add the option SMS/Text MSG with each appropriate mobile phone number. 
  7. Add the SIREN phone number (866-998-3678) to your mobile contacts.  This will help you determine when you are getting a SIREN alert notification and not a toll-free caller. 
    • You can also add the SIREN text message numbers (246-39 & 542-92) to your newly created contact.

For more in-depth guidance on how to register, please see the linked guidance in the in the upper right-hand corner of the web page.

Please let us know if you have any questions and we would be happy to assist
