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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Volunteering & Personal Preparedness

IDPH supports personal and community preparedness through various volunteer programs. The Serve Illinois Commission is a 40 member (25 voting and 15 non-voting), bi-partisan board appointed by the Governor. Its mission is to improve Illinois communities by enhancing volunteerism and instilling an ethic of service throughout the State. The Commission is accomplishing this mission through the support of local community-based efforts to enhance volunteer opportunities and the administration of Illinois' AmeriCorps program.

IDPH also operates - in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health - a national interoperable network of state-based volunteer registration systems for managing volunteers at all tiers of response. Each system verifies the identity, credentials, certifications, licenses, and hospital privileges of health professionals who volunteer to provide health services during a public health emergency.

The Department also coordinates and promotes participation in Medical Reserve Corp Units in Illinois.

The IDPH Office of Preparedness & Response (OPR) would like its partners to check out some emergency preparedness features we have such as webinars, news, calendar of events, free mobile apps, preparedness organizations, training resources, links, and publications to promote awareness for National Preparedness Month.  IDPH wants everyone to BE prepared for every season by offering tools to IDPH employees and all of our partners that include information to plan, prepare, train and BE ready when the time comes.
