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Restore Illinois
Admissions Data
Admissions are measured by patients that present to the hospital for COVID-like Illness (CLI) defined by having a fever and either a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or they are given a diagnosis for coronavirus or COVID-19. Syndromic surveillance is an automated reporting system used by all acute care hospitals in Illinois to send Emergency Department (ED) and inpatient visit data. All data is reported out based on the day the patient was seen and admitted. Data is provisional, and a three-day lag is used to allow time for IDPH to receive more complete data. The 7-day rolling average of admissions for CLI is calculated using the most up-to-date daily admission totals for the past 7-days. The underlying daily totals that are included in the 7-day rolling average may change as new information (e.g., diagnosis) is received about a patient's hospital stay.
Test Data
The testing data provided represents data reported to IDPH through Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) only. It is based on the date results are reported into the ELR. The total number of specimens tested is reported for each day. A three-day lag is also used. Positivity rates represent the percent of specimens tested that are positive. The positivity rates are presented for the current day as well as using a 7-day rolling average.
Hospital Resource Measures
The bed and vent information provided is based on daily counts that hospitals report to IDPH through EMResource. The data is presented here based on 7-day rolling averages. They should be considered provisional and may be subject to change as a result of IDPH’s continuous data validation and hospital follow-up. The numbers are reported by Illinois acute care hospitals, including two children’s hospitals that report into EMResource. Veteran Administration (VA) and specialty hospitals are excluded from the analysis.